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Restorative Yoga - 12th July, 7pm

Wed, 12 Jul


Live on Zoom

For individuals seeking me time or those living with health issues such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, perimenopause symptoms, digestive disorders, insomnia, stress and mild anxiety.

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Restorative  Yoga - 12th July, 7pm
Restorative  Yoga - 12th July, 7pm

Time & Location

12 Jul 2023, 19:00 – 20:00

Live on Zoom

About the event

This monthly restorative online class focuses on rest and rejuvenation and will include one more of the practices below.

For individuals seeking me time or those living with health issues such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, perimenopause symptoms, digestive disorders, insomnia, stress and mild anxiety.

Restorative Yoga - In restorative yoga postures the body is held, not stretched but supported with bolsters or folded blankets and cushions to ease into softness. This helps to bring the body into a natural state of restfulness. You will be shown how to place the bolsters, blankets and cushions to support the body. Once supported you will be invited into periods of silence or observance of the breath and sensations in the body.

Somatic Yoga - An exploration of mindful movements to release habitual patterns that may be held as tension, stress, fatigue or trauma in the body. This embodied awareness practice invites you to explore movement within our body's physical and emotional boundaries through reaching, pulsing, stretching helping to build strength in joints and elasticity in tissues. Somatics sees the body and its multiple systems as a whole; through the fascia (connective tissues), respiratory, energetic, emotional, digestive, nervous and hormonal systems. 

Yoga Nidra & Relaxation - Guided relaxation to deeply rest the body. Yoga Nidra means deep yogic sleep; it's like a guided meditation while you remain in a state  of consciousness between waking and sleeping. Your brainwave activity  relaxes; slowing down into alpha waves to promote deeper relaxation. Using Sankalpa, affirming a  short positive statement which fosters that which we would like to cultivate in ourselves to benefit our lives and the lives of others.

Pranayama and Meditation - directed breath awareness to settle and calm the mind. Short guided meditations to focus the mind. 

You will need a yoga mat and blanket, an eye pillow if you have one - and for restorative yoga a bolster or pillows. You may like to use cushions to place under your head or behind your knees to support your lower back. Wear comfy clothing and warm socks.

No previous yoga experience is necessary. 


If you are new to my classes and would like to register as a student then please give me a call 07587 042044 or we can chat over Zoom, WhatsApp or Skype or email 

You will also be asked to complete a short health questionnaire before attending your first class.

You can read my safety policy.

If you have any questions then please get in touch.

I look forward to meeting you soon.

Contact Karan

07587 042044


  • Adult drop-in price

    Sale ended



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